Tidying Up: A Mood Enhancer For Your Home

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Let it flow.

Your home should be your refuge, a spot to unwind, and a gathering place for loved ones, but creating a space that allows for these things is more than just the act of having a home. Many of us feel overwhelmed by the clutter, lack of organization, and general chaos of the modern home. It effects the flow of energy and level of productivity in your life. Simple acts such as establishing a designated place for often used items can make a world of difference in the day to day feel and flow of your home. Here’s a few tips for easing the strain of clutter and chaos that will immediately lighten the mood in your home-

  • Designate a spot for your essentials like your jacket, bag, and keys

  • Make a charging station for all electronics in an easily accessible spot

  • Keep papers and bills stored in labeled containers to know what is a priority

  • Dedicate 15 minutes a day to basic cleaning so things don’t pile up

It’s the simple things that make our home user friendly and inviting to ourselves and others.


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